The Course

Stap in de wereld van zelfverzekerd en authentiek verkopen, waarbij je leert hoe je jouw unieke persoonlijkheid kunt inzetten om echte connecties met klanten te maken. Dit is geen one-size-fits-all benadering; we duiken diep in Amy's persoonlijkheden framework om te ontdekken hoe je jouw individuele sterke punten effectief kunt benutten in verkoopgesprekken. Of je nu introvert, extravert, of ergens daartussenin bent, je zult technieken ontdekken die resoneren met wie je bent en hoe je dat kunt vertalen naar verkoopsucces zonder ooit je authenticiteit te verliezen.

Zie de resultaten terwijl je leert hoe je vertrouwen opbouwt en duurzame relaties met klanten creëert, wat de basis vormt voor elke succesvolle verkoopstrategie. Dit is de praktische gids die je nodig hebt om de fijne kneepjes van het vak te leren en toe te passen in de echte wereld, of je nou nieuw bent in de verkoop of een ervaren professional die zijn vaardigheden wil aanscherpen. Met praktijkgerichte oefeningen en feedback, krijg je de tools in handen om je verkoopcijfers te zien stijgen terwijl je trouw blijft aan jezelf. Met deze cursus ga je niet alleen verkopen, je gaat excelleren met vertrouwen en karakter.

What you will learn

When I first put this program together, I had one goal in mind: to empower individuals like you who are just starting out in sales or looking to reboot their sales approach with a sense of confidence and authenticity that really resonates with clients. Every lesson is intentionally designed to tap into the unique combination of your personal strengths and Amy's personality framework, ensuring that you're not just following a script but bringing your most authentic self to every interaction. The material is organized in a way that's easy to digest and apply, with practical exercises to hone your skills. And trust me, the techniques you'll pick up here are not just helpful; they're difference-makers that can transform the way you connect with customers, paving the way to more satisfying, successful sales experiences. Packed with real-world insights, this program is the guiding hand you've been looking for to confidently navigate the sales world while staying true to who you are.


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Your instructor

Amy Vandeputte, popularly known as FastForwardAmy, is not your ordinary business coach. At just 30 years of age, this Belgian dynamo has transformed the entrepreneurial landscape through her passion for empowering others. With a trailblazing journey that began amidst academia, Amy has leapfrogged from the arduous trenches of financial instability and exhaustion to the zeniths of success, now helming a thriving 6- and 7-figure enterprise. Throughout her career, she has been the guiding light for over 1200 entrepreneurs, steering them towards personal and financial liberation with the support of her expansive "Alfavrouwen" network, the largest congregation of female entrepreneurs in Belgium.

Imbued with an unwavering commitment to shattering the silence around money, mindset, and the realities of entrepreneurship, Amy propels her teachings with genuine enthusiasm and a candid approach. Her methodologies are rooted in her proprietary personalities framework, which mirrors her belief in infusing authenticity and self-assuredness into the art of selling. As a beacon of inspiration and advocate for entrepreneurial confidence, Amy ensures that her teachings are not just theories but lived experiences that resonate with the quest for professional actualization and authenticity.


Verhoog je impact met Amy's unieke verkoopstrategieën


Leer de kunst van oprechte beïnvloeding met Amy's methoden


Benader verkoop met frisse inzichten via Amy's persoonlijkheden framework